Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wrestlemania 30 In My Future/Little Tips/Advice

Well hello everyone! Yes after like 2 weeks I am back with another post. This post is about WRESTLEMANIA 29 and future?

I will also talk my adventure at Mania. Well I didnt go to HOF or Axxess. But that is for later on in the blog. But anyways. I arrived there Saturday like at 11am EST. So I didnt get out of the airport and to the hotel I would say about noon maybe 1pm at the hotel. Checked in great room. So then I just relaxed. So then I went to New York. I took the train and such. So HOF just started. Literally underneath MSG! So I got a pic of the sign and such. So then I just walked around in the freezing cold and saw the TIP of the Empire State Building and it was blue and yellow. It was cool. So then I ate some Subway then walked back to the train and then went back to my hotel. So then next day WRESTLEMANIA DAY! I was nervous since it was my first Mania and such. So I leave with my ticket with my friend and we go to Met Life. I just wanted to see one thing besides Mania, and that was the Superstore. So I was waiting from like Noon/1pm EST til 5pm EST to get INSIDE the gates. So then I RUN to the store and security ugh it was just terrible. They were letting in very little people so I was waiting to get in for like half a hour. They did not want us to just "walk in" so we had to stand in a line. BUT security didnt care. People who weren't in the in line went in and security didnt do a single thing! But anyways I finally got in and just WOW. I hope WWE does this next year because it was just WOW. One thing I promised my self I was getting was a Cesaro shirt. I go up and ask where are they and I am told they are SOLD OUT I was like WHAT?! But then I was soon thinking well you cant say he doesnt have fans. But anyways when I was waiting I could hear them practicing and stuff it was cool to hear it. I hear Diddy and Living Colour. So but now MAIN SHOW. 

Wrestlemania is just wow. When its like minutes away you from airing around the world you are just like WOW, I am here.....I am ACTUALLY at Wrestlemania! I have been to a PPV before but no offense but it wasnt one of the BIG 4 PPVs. So it just wow. We were excited and such but when Ryback vs Mark Henry started we lost our momentum. I looked back on Youtube and the chant didnt make it but we were chanting BORING. Which it was but the ending was a shock we all thought Ryback was going to win since Vince is a  BIG fan of Ryback so I was shocked when Mark won. Ok so we were just quiet is may have looked which at sometimes we were but during Jericho's entrance the arena just WOW it got the crowd pumped up. But when Fandango came out I was Fandangoing BEFORE it was COOL. No one will not believe me but I did!  So anyways when the tag team title match came on The crowd just was PRO Ziggler. I dont think there was a reaction really for Team Hell NO! So it most likely looked like we were quiet on tv which is kinda true. Anyways so its ADR vs Swagger we started WE WANT ZIGGLER chants. And plus we were bored. No doubt it was a good match but it just cant compete with Eddie vs Angle at Mania 20. This feud is based on the feud, but WWE stop now. Not the Angle wanna be and well ADR will ever come close to that feud. Anyways were pretty pissed off when ADR left and Ziggler didnt come out. It didnt come out at all since WWE was showing a advertisement but the arena was just filled with boos. So the match everyone is/was talking about CM Punk vs Undertaker. It was just a WOW match. We were very into the match. It was just so surreal. But when Living Colour performed I was going you know jamming out to the live performance and it was just fun. Everyone loved that entrance for Punk. But now there was ONE man we waited for and that mans name is......................UNDERTAKER. It was just wow seeing him come out. It was so surreal for me it was just made me realize I am witnessing HISTORY and it was awesome seeing Taker wrestle. He looks like he hasnt missed a day in the ring IMO. But it was just awesome. My section was PRO Punk AND Pro Taker. People rows above me were PRO Taker and rows below me were PRO Punk, I was in the middle so I cheered for both :P. But anyways when Undertaker won you knew everybody was happy. I just wish WWE had given them 30 minutes or hell 40 minutes. It was just a WOW match. That right there was MATCH of the NIGHT. Lesnar vs Triple H didnt do really anything for me. The crowd seemed to be semi interested. Only good thing Heyman and HBK. I was happy since HBK was there. I came from Texas to see him and also well my admin name is HBKG :P, But next the match NO ONE well maybe some but really NO ONE wanted to see Rock vs Cena. I missed most of it. I was at the merch stands to get a hat. Then freaking escalators were ONLY going down. So there I am walking up like 4 flights of stares just to get to my section. I was tired and I was like I am not doing that again for tonight. So I just watched maybe the last 10-15 min of the match. Which was Ok. Fans were PISSED when Cena won. See WWE wanted to make Cena win but without upsetting the fans. Well WWE you did a HORRIBLE job at it. Then when Rock shook Cena's hand and such fans gotten even MORE PISSED. So then that was Mania.

Next up is my way back. Oh it was just crowded and just having the feeling like being cattle. I was like Chandler and said Moo. Anyways didnt get home until 2am flight was at noon. But got up  9am didnt really sleep well. So then went to my flight and such and just drove for 2 hours to get home. And no the nearest airport is not 2 hours away. It was cheaper. Nearest airport is about 10-15 minutes. Anyways that was journey. No I didnt go to HOF or Axxess. Well the day I wanted to do Axxess was sold out so I didnt go and HOF well it was sold out didnt find out they released some tickets until after I got there and by then they were probably gone. Anyways I really regret not getting RAW tickets but it was AWESOME crowd. So that was it. My Wrestlemania Trip. So was the crowd dead? Sometimes but not really. Did I enjoy the show? HELL YEAH! It wasnt the BEST WM it was just predictable good.  But to answer your questions

Wrestlemania 30?

My answer is: ..............

Pics of my trip coming SOON

Until Next Time...... HBKG OUT. 

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